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WILD 470 - Conserv of Wildlife Populatns. 4 Credits.
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., WRIT 101 or equivalent, one intermediate writing course, BIOE 370, M 162 or M 171, STAT 216 or WILD 240, and senior standing in Biology, Forestry, Resource Conservation, Recreation Management or Wildlife Biology. Application of population ecology principles and theory to the conservation and management of wildlife populations.
Gen Ed Attributes: Writing Course-Advanced
Wildlife Biology
...Honors students must complete either WILD 370 , WILD 470 and WILD 494 (terrestrial option) or...
Wildlife Biology - Aquatic
...Honors students must complete either WILD 370 , WILD 470 and WILD 494 (terrestrial option) or...
Wildlife Biology - Terrestrial
...Honors students must complete either WILD 370 , WILD 470 and WILD 494 (terrestrial option) or...